Eric's diagnosis - The Bold and the Beautiful

August 2024 · 6 minute read

B&B hasn’t wanted to tell viewers what Eric’s diagnosis is. Probably because they didn’t want to research any illness to get the facts right.

But they did now state that “several oncologists” have reviewed the case, and that “there is no known cure”.

Oncology = some form of cancer.

And if there is “no known cure”, not even Finn should be able to save Eric. But he probably will.

If Eric is saved from a deadly illness that has no known cure, the docs should get the Nobel prize.


This stupid story line is stupid. Why not just say what’s wrong with Eric?? What’s the deal? Fast fatal disease with no name.


Fast and fatal, but to me….not fast enough…


I haven’t seen the episode. Did they mention cancer or just the consultation of several oncologists? If it’s the latter, I suppose they could have consulted oncologists to rule out cancer and that’s what’s happened—they’ve ruled out cancer but they still haven’t come up with anything that can stop the symptoms, and let’s face it, if he’s coughing up that much blood, the prognosis, as they told Bette Davis in Dark Victory, is still negative.

And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but it’s no goofier than any number of things Bell has written in the past.



And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but it’s no goofier than any number of things Bell has written in the past.

Like Finn fully recovering from being braindead or Sheila getting dozens of get out of jail cards. Or Felicia, Kristen & Rick going on safari together.


It would be pretty laughable if Finn or Bridgette could come up with a cure for Eric if the team of the best (I assume given Eric’s money) doctors couldn’t.


Not to mention Finn being shot and his wounds leaving no scars.



Fast and fatal, but to me….not fast enough…

Me neither. I don’t watch anyway, but I can imagine how many people have been turned off watching the show due to the storyline.

Just let him die already so we can move on to other stories, which will no doubt be just as stupid…:roll_eyes:


I have gone 2 weeks now, just reading…thought about today to see the gowns, but decided not to…maybe when he really does kick the bucket, but not now…


Or Katie having no scars after multiple transplant surgeries.


What is even stupider is that this type of cancer apparently presents differently in everyone who gets it-ah nope, sorry that’s not how diseases work, they have to have an underlying component that everyone who has it presents with otherwise guess what, it’s not real!!! Lordy these writers make me sick


My guess is that Finn and Bridget is going to come up with some sort of medication cocktail that he will have to remain on indefinitely to sustain his life and help him live a functional existence. Because if they come up with a complete cure in 1-2 episodes…Im going to write a letter to CBS.


I was reading the ratings , and they have dropped since this story line was started. Loss of viewers, writers dont care. This is the holiday season, does anyone want to see this now? Not me.

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The symptoms make no sense, that there’s no definitive diagnosis makes no sense. That one of the wealthiest men in the world hasn’t received a second opinion makes no sense. That Eric refuses to go to hospital makes no sense. The fact that Luna is so inserted into the story makes no sense. That everyone says nothing makes no sense. This storyline makes no sense!


Not only is Luna inserted into the story, but other than kiss RJ and find that stupid stapler, what has she actually done? Why is Eric so suddenly fond of her? Mostly the character just stands there smiling. I’m not blaming the actress, btw. It’s not her fault she’s given nothing of significance to do or say. Nor is it her fault that she likely doesn’t have the experience, due to her age if nothing else, to figure out how to fill those blocks of time when her character is on-screen with nothing to do with silent reactions that work without detracting from what else is going on.

If Luna is going to be regarded as such a significant contributor to Eric’s story line, then let her be given something to do that justifies that significance.


Well you’re asking a lot if you expect Luna to be given anything of importance other than standing there smiling or finding the stupid stapler. The writers must have writers block because I don’t think I’ve ever seen the writing so terrible. Even the various clips that I watch (to avoid wasting time on a full episode), are boring to me. There is nothing in the show at the moment that is keeping me intrigued. I seriously do not care about anything or anyone on the show at the moment. I’m waiting for Eric to die so that other things can happen.

And I’m actually convinced that irrespective of Eric dying/not dying, there can’t be anything interesting for the New Year. What can possibly happen? Maybe Thorne gets over his grief and starts rivalry with his brother? I don’t know.
The show has never been so boring to me… it really is like watching paint dry


At least you watch the clips…I am, at the moment not even doing that…boring!!!

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let’s face it, if he’s coughing up that much blood, the prognosis, as they told Bette Davis in Dark Victory, is still negative.

Even if he is magically cured of whatever fake disease he currently has, his long term prognosis wouldn’t be all that great.

He’s 80ish with a past history of heart attacks/strokes, his lifestyle as far as diet and exercise doesn’t seem to be all that great, and he’s shown over the years that he is awful about taking advice/direction from people with his best interests at heart.

I’m pretty sure you nailed it with the writers don’t want to have to do any research comment!! :rofl:
